Biology, seasonal incidence and the effect of the sowing dates on population density of the leafhopper, Empoasca decedens (Paoli) (Cicadellidae: Hemiptera) on cowpea in Iraq

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Research Paper 01/10/2018
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Biology, seasonal incidence and the effect of the sowing dates on population density of the leafhopper, Empoasca decedens (Paoli) (Cicadellidae: Hemiptera) on cowpea in Iraq

Maryiam M. Hussein, Hameed. H. Al- Karboli
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 4), 45-53, October 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The present experiments were conducted at laboratory and field of college of Agriculture, Baghdad University todiagnose the species (s) that attack cowpea fields and the nature of damage they cause and to study some aspect of biology and to assess, seasonal incidence and the effect of sowing date on leafhopper population density. Identification of the species were made by dissecting leafhopper male genitalia .While seasonal incidence and other experiment were done by estimation of randomly samples leafhopper numbers on cowpea plant leaves . Cowpea leafhopper was identified as Empoasca decedens which considered to be a new record on cowpea in Iraq. Laboratory studies showed that the incubation period of E. decedens was ranged between (6-7) days, the leafhopper had a 5 nymphal instars and the total nymphal period between (9-10 ) days, sex ratio were (2.0 F : 1.0 M ) and adult longevity ranged between (17-20 ) days at 25°-30°C and 60-70 % RH . Results indicated that E. decedens had one peak of 8 nymph / leave on cowpea plants in November and another peak of 24 .8 nymph / leave occurred during mid of May. E. decedens population density were higher and caused significant damage and loss to the cowpea plants on spring season compared with autumn season. The fluctuation of the leafhopper population of each season depending mainly on daily temperatures. There were no significant differences in the population density of the 2 sowing dates, but a significant differences were recorded between a spring sowing dates, so it recommended to sow cowpea on the end of March.


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