Biopellet characteristics of ironwood sawdust waste (Eusiderxylon zwageri Teijms. and Binned.) based on different amounts of adhesive

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Research Paper 01/11/2017
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Biopellet characteristics of ironwood sawdust waste (Eusiderxylon zwageri Teijms. and Binned.) based on different amounts of adhesive

Muhammad Faisal Mahdie, Noor Mirad Sari, Rudi Cahyo Purnomo, Gusti Abdul Rahmat Thamrin
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 5), 20-29, November 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Biopellets from ironwood sawdust waste is one of the environmentally friendly renewable energy. The purpose of this study was to determine the biopellet characteristics of ironwood sawdust waste and the most efficient amount of adhesive from it. This study used Completely Randomized Design with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The result indicates the highest water content of ironwood sawdust biopellets waste was found in treatment A (0% adhesive) that was 9.72% and the lowest was in treatment E (20% adhesive) that was 1.62%. The highest density average value was in E (20% adhesive) that was 1.25 and the lowest was in treatment A (0% adhesive) with 1.08. The highest calorific value was found in treatment E (20% adhesive) that was 5,661.20 kcal/kg and the lowest treatment was in treatment A (0% adhesive) that was 4,665.12 kcal/kg. The highest volatile matter result of the research was found in treatment E (20% adhesive) with 32.05% and the lowest was in treatment A (0% adhesive) that was 19.05%. The highest ash content was found in treatment A (0% adhesive) which was 1.60% and the lowest 1.13% was found in treatment E (20% adhesive). The highest fixed carbon valuewas found in treatment B (5% adhesive) that was 70.13% and the lowest is in treatment E (20% adhesive) that was equal to 65.19%.Treatment A (0%, adhesive) is the most efficient treatment yielding a value of 4,665.12 kcal / kg. This treatment has been in accordance with ASTM quality standards (> 4,600 kcal/kg).


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