Biosorption of lead, cadmium and iron by Sphaerotilus natans

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Research Paper 01/07/2017
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Biosorption of lead, cadmium and iron by Sphaerotilus natans

V. Meena Loashini, P. Ashokkumar, V. Bhavya
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 1), 234-239, July 2017.
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Heavy metal contamination is potentially environmental issue and certainly a major health concern in many parts of the world, primarily due to various anthropogenic activities. The heavy metals selected for this studies that is lead, iron and cadmium have no positive role in living systems. All these heavy metals are highly toxic. The biosorption by the culture were carried out for three different heavy metals: Lead, Cadmium and iron. Various physical and chemical factors affect the sorption capacity by the microorganisms.  The optimum pH for the removal of heavy metals was found to be 7.0. Maximum percentage removal of heavy metals at pH 7.0, Pb (75%), Cd (53%). Optimum temperature for removal of heavy metals was at 37° C. Maximum sorption was observed at Pb (82%), Cd (66%) and Fe (89%).


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