Black Sigatoka severity and growth performance of two plantain cultivars in Omu-Aran, Southern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria

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Research Paper 01/04/2017
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Black Sigatoka severity and growth performance of two plantain cultivars in Omu-Aran, Southern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria

Abiodun Joseph, Nifemi Omowumi Adesola, Benson Oluwafemi Ademiluyi, Ajibola Aluko Patrick
Int. J. Biosci.10( 4), 129-134, April 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Black Sigatoka is the most serious biotic threat to plantain production in sub-Saharan Africa. The photosynthetic function of plantains at the vegetative growth stage ultimately determine the yield and this makes it absolutely necessary to routinely monitor black Sigatoka severity. The current study investigated the severity of black Sigatoka disease on two plantain cultivars and their growth performance. Suckers of False Horn ‘Agbagba’ and PITA 25 plantain cultivars were planted in an open field at a spacing of 3m between rows and 2m within rows. A plot size of 90m x 50m was used for the study. The experiment was laid in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates. Disease development was observed under natural infection. The parameters investigated include disease severity, plant height, pseudostem girth and number of functional leaves. Black Sigatoka disease increased with plant age in the two cultivars. The lowest black Sigatoka severity (0.2) was recorded on PITA 25 at 8 weeks after planting (WAP). The number of functional leaves on the two cultivars was also affected by the disease, decreasing generally with plant age on False Horn ‘Agbagba’ while increasing with plant age on PITA 25. The highest number of functional leaves (14.6) was observed on PITA 25 plantains at 18 WAP while the least (4.3) was noticed on False Horn ‘Agbagba’ at 14 WAP. Hybrid plantains are more resistant to black Sigatoka disease and are therefore recommended as a replacement for the local varieties that are highly susceptible, besides being poor yielding.


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