Breeding biology of snow trout (Schizothorax plagiostomus) in Neelum and Jhelum Rivers, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan

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Breeding biology of snow trout (Schizothorax plagiostomus) in Neelum and Jhelum Rivers, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan

T. Akhtar, N. Shafi, S. Ali, J. Ayub
Int. J. Biosci.11( 2), 112-124, August 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Studies on reproduction of fish are important and essential requirements for improvement of fishery resources management and conservation. The fish samples were dissected to ascertain the relationship among fecundity with length and weight of fish and its ovary as well as GSI, ova diameter, for total proteins, glucose, lipids, cholesterol and DNA/RNA ratio during spawning seasons. The fecundity was ranged from 1695±524.44 to 3297±282.99eggs with total body length 22.52±2.84 to 27.90±1.88cm and total body weight 172.33±10.9 to 240.9±7.59g. The total proteins, RNA and total lipids contents were lower in pre-spawning season (37.8±4.1, 56.4±3.2 and 18.6±4.7mg/g respectively) and post spawning season 34.7±3.1, 58.4±4.4 and 14.4±2.2mg/g) than spawning season (83.9±3.8, 82.03±3.3 and 36.3±1.72mg/g). In contrast, the cholesterol and glucose levels were significantly higher in pre-spawning (59.8±2.5, 58.8±4.51mg/g) and post-spawning (70.2±1.84, 61.16±4.73mg/g) than spawning season (29.8±2.2, 28.1±1.70mg/g). The relationship of fecundity with total length, total weight of fish and ovary were found to be linear. It is concluded that by knowing the exact breeding season and relationship of fecundity with various parameters of Schizothorax plagiostomus, we could conserve this declining species in natural water bodies by artificial breeding.


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