Brucellosis causing economic losses in small ruminants of Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/05/2018
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Brucellosis causing economic losses in small ruminants of Pakistan

Saima Dil, Aamer Bin Zahur, Subhan Qureshi, Aman Ullah, Muhammad Azeem Khan
Int. J. Biosci.12( 5), 192-198, May 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Brucellosis is an economically important remerging bacterial zoonosis that not only affects health and productivity of animals but it is also of public health concern. Brucellosis is prevalent in Pakistan, economic losses due to brucellosis have never been estimated for small ruminant population of the country. This study was conducted for assessing economic impact of brucellosis in small ruminants. A herd comprising of 250 sheep with clinical signs of late term abortions was selected. Brucellosis positive status of herd was confirmed through Rose Bengal plate test (RBPT) and indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (I-ELISA). Bacterial isolation and Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to identify species of brucella. The component for calculating economic loss were loss due to reduction in meat yield by abortion, still birth, repeat breeding, veterinary expenses and increased cost of management due to rearing of nonproductive animals and weak lambs. A total of 52% of animals were found to be infected with brucellosis in sheep herd. The isolates obtained from aborted fetuses were characterized as B. melitensis through culture and molecular technique. The annual economic loss was calculated as Rs. 2745/ sheep. Based on results it was concluded that Brucellosis causes significant economic losses in small ruminants of Pakistan.


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