Bulky solid waste from urban coastal beaches of Annaba (Algeria)

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Research Paper 01/01/2018
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Bulky solid waste from urban coastal beaches of Annaba (Algeria)

Chaouch Rabah, Tandjir Larbi, Djebar Abdalah Borhane
Int. J. Biosci.12( 1), 219-229, January 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Solid waste disposal on beaches becomes a real wound that degrades the beauty of the landscapes. This study was aimed to investigate the impact of the solid wastes on the coastal of Annaba. Therefore, the study consists of identifying and quantifying the encumbered urban litter of Annaba beaches. Here, we selected some beaches of Annaba to valorize the harmful effects of the toxic wastes. As a result, we found that the plastics represent 29%, metals 23%, glass 22%, woods 15% and paper as well as textiles with 6% and 5% respectively. Reported by unit area, the Joinoville station takes first place (2019.5 Kg), followed by the beach Refah zahouen (769.5 Kg), Carob (703.8 Kg), Sidi Salem (660.7 Kg), Belvedere (621.3 Kg), Rezui Rachid (600.65Kg) of the aurora (598.75 Kg), Ain Achir (550.1 Kg) and the Rizi Amor (533.65 Kg). This work takes place in the perspective of the sensitivity of the citizens whose stakes remain the cleanliness of the beaches, and the protection of public health and the environment. In order to succeed in this challenge, the implementation of a monitoring program, managed by an “observatory” structure regularly assessing potential sources of contamination and establishing a coastal management plan in collaboration with the municipality of Annaba. Conclusively, the waste hazadrds on the environment is likely due to the uncontrolled discharge of wastes, as well as the human activities.


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