Cadmium pollution in waters and commercial Shellfish in Jakarta Bay

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Research Paper 13/02/2023
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Cadmium pollution in waters and commercial Shellfish in Jakarta Bay

Maman Rumanta
Int. J. Biosci.22( 2), 260-268, February 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


This study aims to analyze the Cd content of commercial shellfish and their living waters. This study used survey and laboratory methods. Water and sediment samples were taken from 5 points (stations) in the Jakarta Bay waters. While shellfish samples were taken compositely from the points. Each water, sediment, and shellfish sample was taken three times (Triplo), then the collected samples were brought to the LIPI Cibinong Laboratory to be analyzed for Cd levels using flame AAS. The results showed that the Cd content of seawater (0.007-0.009mg/L East Monsoon and 0.006-0.009mg/L West Monsoon) except for the harbor pool (0.011mg/L) was still quite high and still exceeded the Cd content threshold determined by the decree of the minister of environment no 51 of 2004 for sea water biota (0.001mg/L). The Cd content in sediments is still quite high (Cd 0.302-1.509) but still below the threshold value for aquatic biota set by the Ministry of Environment in 2010 (6.2mg/kg) and Washinton Department of Ecological, 2013 (6.7mg/Kg). The lowest sediment Cd content was found around the location of mussel cultivation (0.318-4.75mg/Kg East Monsoon and 0.302-0.449mg/Kg West Monsoon). The Cd content in the soft tissues of shellfish (0.012-0.019mg/Kg for the East Monsoon and 0.013-0.016mg/Kg for the West Monsoon) is generally below the threshold determined by the SNI 2009 and CCFAC 1999 (1mg/Kg).


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