Calculating the energy input and carbon emission of chili production in Zamboanga City, Philippines

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Research Paper 08/08/2024
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Calculating the energy input and carbon emission of chili production in Zamboanga City, Philippines

Guiller A. Ellomer
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 2), 136-143, August 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


One of the major concerns of today’s agricultural sectors is sustainability, which aims to address issues with crop processing as well as environmental repercussions. As the population’s need for resources grows, so does the demand for energy to provide these resources, which is now at an all-time high. This is where the accounting of energy and carbon emissions is needed to limit energy inputs as much as possible, thus increasing the output of such goods. However, the focus of the study was on calculating the energy input and carbon emission of Chili Production in Zamboanga City, Philippines. The study revealed that out of all the farm operations involve in the said production the crop establishment is considered as the energy hotspot with 3,092.93 Mcal ha-1 or 56.10% (270.98 LDOE) and with 1,073.08 CO2e. Thus, indirect energy input was also recorded with high energy inputs and considered as the energy hotspot with 5,399.37 Mcal ha-1 or 97.93% (473.05 LDOE) and with 1,873.28 CO2e. Thus, the lowest energy inputs revealed in the study is embedded energy inputs with 46.33 Mcal ha-1 or 0.84% (4.06 LDOE) as well carbon emission with 16.078 CO2e.The farm operation with lowest energy inputs and carbon emission is said to be the crop management with 118.19 Mcal ha-1 or 2.14% (10.36 LDOE) and 41.03 CO2e. Concerned agencies should seek out alternative methods of carrying out farm operations involving agents or conditions that influence crop output. This is done to boost production yields while lowering energy consumption.


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