Calibration and evaluation of ORYZA2000 model under different N options in irrigated rice in Iran

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Research Paper 01/01/2013
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Calibration and evaluation of ORYZA2000 model under different N options in irrigated rice in Iran

M. Tayefe
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 1), 77-82, January 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


ORYZA2000 is a growth model for lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) developed by the International Rice Research Institute and Wageningen University. This model has been evaluated extensively in a wide range of environments. The model ORYZA2000 simulates the growth and development of rice under conditions of potential production and nitrogen limitations. Crop simulation models could provide an alternative, less time-consuming and inexpensive means of determining the optimum crop nitrogen requirement under varied nitrogen conditions. In this study, ORYZA2000 was calibrated and evaluated using data from experiments carried out in the North area of Iran. These experiments were performed on three varieties rice cultivar (Hashemi, Kazemi, Khazar) at various N rates (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N.ha-1) in a RCBD in 2008, with 3 replications at Rice Research Institute of Iran, Rasht. ORYZA2000 was then applied to explore biomass of leaves, panicles, total above ground biomass and grain yield response to N fertilization by adjusted linear correlation coefficient between simulated and measured values (R2), T test of means, absolute and normalized root mean square errors (RMSE). Results showed that the highest total biomass with a RMSE of 559 (less than 6%).However, the prediction of biomass of leaves at low level of nitrogen application was poor. The simulated crop N variables, such as grain N concentration and crop N uptake were slightly more accurate than those of crop biomass. Simulation accuracies might be increased by improving the simulation of soil N dynamics.


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