Carbon absorbtion of Anthocephalus macrophyllus and Swietenia macrophylla. King in Gorontalo, Indonesia

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Carbon absorbtion of Anthocephalus macrophyllus and Swietenia macrophylla. King in Gorontalo, Indonesia

Daud Sandalayuk, Abubakar M. Lahjie, BDAS. Simarangkir, Yosep Ruslim
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 5), 24-30, May 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Community forests Gorontalo are widely planted and maintained by Gorontalo people where the area is not too large which only ranges from 1ha. This type is good for carbon absorption, as for this type of Mahogany (Swetenia macrophylla), Jabon (Anthocephalus macrophyllus). A. macrophyllus (A) 660 trees13.07m³ ha ̵¹ year ̵¹,7.67 tons ha ̵¹ year ̵¹ biomass, carbon sequestration, 3.53 tons ha ̵¹ year ̵¹. In A.macrophyllus (B) at the same age of 4 years the number of trees 604 trees amounted to 14.29m³ ha ̵¹ year ̵¹, biomassa 8.38 tons ha ̵¹ year ̵¹ with Carbon 3.86 tons ha ̵¹ year ̵¹. S.macrophylla (C) 413 trees, aged 20 years has an average volume of ha ̵¹ year ̵¹ 6.96m³, Biomassa 5.94 tons ha ̵¹ year ̵¹ and carbon absorbtion 2.73 tons ha ̵¹ years ̵¹ while S.macrophylla (D) 419 trees, age 35 years has average volume at the rate of 12.60m³ ha ̵¹ year ̵¹, a biomassa of 10.75 tons ha ̵¹ year ̵¹ with carbon sequestration of 4.95 tons ha ̵¹ year ̵¹. The relationship of tree height affects the carbon absorbtion R² = 0.985, the age of a tree is very influential on carbon uptake where R² = 0.895. The most significant relationship between the age, height and diameter of the tree is the diameter of R ² = 0.895.


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