Carrying capacity assessment of the ecotourism site of day-asan, Surigao City towards sustainable ecotourism

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Research Paper 07/06/2023
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Carrying capacity assessment of the ecotourism site of day-asan, Surigao City towards sustainable ecotourism

Medielyn M. Odtojan, Meycel C. Amarille
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 6), 21-29, June 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Carrying Capacity is a tool to prevent and control overutilization of the tourist spots through the identification of the ideal use level of visitors who can use the site. Recently, numerous eco-tourism has been developed and the uncontrolled growth of visitors leading to overcrowding has brought immense concern for sustainable tourism. The study assessed the carrying capacity of Day-asan ecotourism area as a basis for management planning. The Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) framework was used to assess the carrying capacity. An opportunity sampling was conducted to 182 visitors and stratified random sampling for the 206 residents using a structured questionnaire. Key Informant Interview (KII) was carried out to the members of the Barangay Council, tourism investors/operators, and staff of the local tourism staff. Results showed that the current condition of the ecotourism in Day-asan does not pose any threat to its build environment, ecology, people, and economic status of the area. The maximum number of visitors received in a day in the area is 345 spent mostly on swimming, and the calculated carrying capacity estimate is 813 visitors per day which is way higher than the maximum number of visitors received in the area in a day. The results of this study can serve as a basis for the Local Government Unit (LGU) and Surigao Tourism Office in crafting the Tourism Management Plan for the sustainability of the ecotourism site in Day-asan.


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