Causes of stunting in Coptodon zilli in Iraq

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Research Paper 01/05/2019
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Causes of stunting in Coptodon zilli in Iraq

Mohammed I. Ghazwan Aljanabi
Int. J. Biosci.14( 5), 305-314, May 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


This study is an attempt to find out the most important reasons behind  stunting phenomenon of the Coptodon zillii  fish and some factors that lead to this phenomenon derived from four C.zilllii fish population from four province in Iraq starting from Baghdad province and other three ones situated in the south of Iraq such as Babylon or Babil , Wasit , and Maysan. It is suggested in the current study to specify four morphometric features of  the C.zilllii fish  as the total length , standard length , head length and weight of fish .The highest averages of such the morphometric features have been recorded by Maysan province, total length (16.59±0.61cm), standard length (12.99±0.52cm), head length( 4.30±0.24cm), and weight (97.19±10.05 gm) of total length respectively. While, Babylon province has recorded the less averages for morphometric features of  the C.zilllii fish population as Total length(14.87±0.33cm),Standard length( 11.70±0.28cm) , Head length ( 3.80±0.21cm ) , and Weight ( 72.68±8.66 gm ) respectively .On the other hand , both  Baghdad and Wasit provinces have  recorded equal averages of the morphometric features. It has been noticed that there are statistically significant differences ( p <0.05 ) in the total and standard length as well as head length in Maysan province sample  .Results showed that the total length was between (14.1  and 19.1 cm ) and (70%) of the four Iraqi provinces which their length was 17cm .This indicates there are stunting existed in C.zilllii population that was very clear in Babylon province and among male fish  more than among female ones  .The stunting phenomenon can be due to the increasing population of C.zilllii to the early sexual growth of such fish and also to the bad quality of water at these areas surveyed by this study .Moreover, it has been noticed that there are positive correlations between all morphometric features studied P <0.01) .


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