CD14 and TIMP-1 as predictive biomarkers of extensive liver fibrosis in Egyptian HCV-patients

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Research Paper 01/04/2017
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CD14 and TIMP-1 as predictive biomarkers of extensive liver fibrosis in Egyptian HCV-patients

Eman M. Abd El Azeem, Magda Kamal El Din Ezz, Dr. Amin M. Abdel Baki, Asmaa Abd ElFattah Deghedy
Int. J. Biosci.10( 4), 66-80, April 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


HCV infection is closely associated with liver fibrosis, a major risk factor related to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the association of serum s-CD14 and TIMP-1 level with the stages of fibrosis in hepatic tissue of HCV infected patients as an alternative non-invasive method to avoid using liver biopsy. This study included seventy HCV patients with liver fibrosis classified into four subgroups according to the degree of fibrosis: group 1 (with liver fibrosis F4), group 2 (with liver fibrosis F3), group 3 (with liver fibrosis F2) and group 4 (with liver fibrosis F1). Normal subjects were conserved as group 5 (control group). Direct biomarkers, serum s-CD14, TGF-β1and TIMP-1 levels were determined by the quantitative sandwich enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) technique. Serum ALT, AST, albumin, total bilirubin,  prothrombin time and concentration, complete blood count were detected. Indirect biomarkers, ALT/AST Ratio (AAR) and Fib4 were also calculated. Serum sCD14, TGF-β1 and TIMP-1 levels showed a highly significant increase, also serum level of AFP increased significantly in all groups compared to normal control. This increment was parallel to the degree of fibrosis. The diagnostic accuracy of all direct blood markers rose with increasing stage of fibrosis, while the accuracy of indirect markers (AAR and Fib 4) increased in the early stage of fibrosis. Performance of sCD14 in our study was the best direct blood marker for diagnosis of extensive fibrosis (F3 and F4).In conclusion, sCD14 may be a more relevant biomarker of disease progression.


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