Changes in benthic communities in the Middle Atlas springs (Morocco) and their relationship with climate change

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Changes in benthic communities in the Middle Atlas springs (Morocco) and their relationship with climate change

Imane Nechad, Fatima Fadil, Mohamed Dakki
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 1), 96-108, January 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The sources of the Moroccan Middle Atlas suffer not only the effects of anthropogenic pressures, but also those of climate change whose impact is difficult to predict. Our goal is to better understand the succession of processions fauna of the upper Guigou. It is a compendium comparative between the benthic fauna collected towards the end of the years 70 (1979) in the sources Arbalou Abrchane, Tit Zil and the Wadi Guigou. As well as those harvested in the same sites, thirty-four years after. This revealed a significant drop in dissolved oxygen concentration decreased from 7.4 (mg/l) in 1979 to 2.52 (mg/l) in 2015. We have also raised an increase in the workload in chlorides and major elements. Benthic fauna, a significant change in population since 1979, with the appearance and installation of more than a dozen of taxa were identified (Simulium pseudoquinum, Gammarus gauthieri, Phagocata sp., Dugesia gonocephala). Some of these species have become invasive, such as Amphipod crustaceans Gammarus gauthieri, either very abundant as Simulium pseudoquinum. We note the effect “medium” for the direct selection of the species. Other indirect effects due to the reduction of the three dimensional biogenic structures would have limited recognizably State niches by polluo-sensitive species (Ephemeroptera, Heteroptera, Coleoptera and Trichoptera) and could contribute to the total disappearance of all order plecoptera in favour of a dominance of the polluo-tolerant species (Oligochaetes). Over a period of 35 years, there is a deterioration of the health of aquatic ecosystem studied, a State of art reflected by a decline of the benthic community that lives there.


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