Characteristics and antifungal effect of composts on Fusarium oxysporum F. SP. lycopersici incitant of Fusarium wilt of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

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Research Paper 01/07/2012
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Characteristics and antifungal effect of composts on Fusarium oxysporum F. SP. lycopersici incitant of Fusarium wilt of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

A.U. Gurama, S.G. Haruna, S. A. Adebitan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.2( 7), 23-31, July 2012.
Certificate: JBES 2012 [Generate Certificate]


A laboratory study was carried out to evaluate some physical and chemical properties of three composts namely; composted poultry manure (CPM), composted cow dung (CCD) and composted neem-leaf (CNL) used as soil organic amendment and their efficacies was tested against Fusarium wilt of tomato. The properties of the composts showed that they were matured and therefore ideal to be use as soil amendments. Chemical analyses revealed that the composts had pH as 6.8 (CNL), 7.8 (CPM) and 8.0 (CCD). Electrical conductivity (EC) was rated low with values as 1.3µScm-1, 1.2µScm-1 and 1.1µScm-1 for CNL, CPM and CCD respectively. Neem leaf-based compost exhibited higher total C (39.0 g kg-1), NO3-1-N (135.7 mg kg-1) and K (64.9 cmol (+) kg-1), where as CPM had higher total N (2.9 g kg-1), NH4+-N (24.6 mg kg-1), Ca (14.0 cmol (+) kg-1) and Ma (7.2 cmol (+) kg-1). The in vitro experiment consisted of four treatments – extract of CPM, CCD and CNL, and distilled water as controlwere arranged in a complete randomized design (CRD) replicated five times. The result showed that extract of CPM significantly reduced radial growth of the pathogen to 2.2 cm and inhibited growth by 51%. The effectiveness of CPM is attributed to the attainment of suitable physical and chemical properties that favours the survival and activity of the antagonistic micro-organisms that suppress Fusarium wilt of tomato. Further research to identify the biocontrol agents in composts and to test their efficacies as potential alternative to synthetic fungicides is recommended.


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