Characteristics of peat in the oil palm plantation environment

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Research Paper 01/12/2017
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Characteristics of peat in the oil palm plantation environment

Ebsan Marihot Sianipar, Abdul Rauf, Pantas Simanjuntak, Pahala Lambok Laurensius Sianturi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 6), 114-122, December 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Peat’s characteristics research helps the farmers to map out the sites that will be planted with different treatments. Particularly, the changes that lead to degradation of peat lands are characterized by: decreased water holding capacity, increased soil acidity, decreased organic C-and N-total. This study aims to examine the change of peat characteristics in the area of ​​oil palm plantations of generation I and generation II with observations on Piringan, Gawangan mati and Pasar pikul. A survey method was conducted  in the Peat Palm Oil Plantation of Aek Korsik Village, Aek Kuo Sub-district, North Labuhan batu Regency with geographic position 2o22’36” –  2o26’04” North Latitude (NL) and 99o50’18” – 99o54’36” East Longitude (EL), altitude place 25 – 33 m above sea level. The sampling is site of the soil on the Piringan (a circle area under a certain diameter of palm oil), Gawangan mati (area that is used as the area of wood and shrubs) and Pasar pikul (roads used to deliver the harvested fruit palm) with a depth of 0-20 cm and 40 -60 cm. The results showed in second generation plants: lower pH, higher organic C-, lower N-total, lower CEC, lower BD and higher maximum water content. The result of t-test of the research showed that the C / N ratio was significantly different in Pasar pikul and very different in the Gawangan mati and the 0-20 cm depth of Piringan.


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