Characterization of Chitosan Extracted from Exoskeletons of Pomacea spp.

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Research Paper 28/07/2022
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Characterization of Chitosan Extracted from Exoskeletons of Pomacea spp.

Unnis P. Aguilor, Renjith Raju, Jitty Raju, Julius T. Capili
Int. J. Biosci.21( 1), 184-191, July 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


This study focused mainly on the characterization of the chitosan sample extracted from exoskeletons of Pomacea spp., a freshwater mollusk. FTIR was used to characterize the chitosan sample and was compared to the commercial chitosan, which has a DD value of 95%. The FTIR spectra formed characteristic bands in the frequency range between 4000 and 400 cm−1. The FTIR of chitosan samples isolated from shells of Pomacea spp. and the commercial chitosan yielded spectra with functional groups where the hydroxyl (OH) group is at 3650 to 3400 cm-1; carbonyl (C=O) group vibration is at 1730 cm-1 and amide I group is at 1650 to 1550 cm-1. Moreover, the locally extracted chitosan samples from Pomacea spp. shells showed FTIR spectra that are nearly comparable with the commercial chitosan and those locally extracted chitosan samples used in the previous studies. Analysis by IR estimated the DD as 60.47% for this chitosan. This DD value was 56% to 99% when a sample can be considered chitosan.

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