Characterization of compositional and functional characteristics of date seeds and oil (Phoenix dactylifera L.) from three varieties

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Characterization of compositional and functional characteristics of date seeds and oil (Phoenix dactylifera L.) from three varieties

Muhammad Qasim Raza, Muhammad Umair Arshad, Muhammad Sajid Arshad, Faqir Muhammad Anjum
Int. J. Biosci.15( 3), 1-14, September 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Current study on characterization of date seeds (Phoenix dactelifera L.) particularly and their oil especially from three different varieties with respect to their composition in addition to the functional constituents is of its very first kind in Pakistan. Core objective of the current investigation was to find the most appropriate date seed variety with proven health claims, apposite antioxidant potential and suitability of its oil that could be further utilized as an active constituent for the preparation of functional foods and nutraceuticals. Seeds of three date palm cultivars i.e. Karblain, Halawi and Ajwa were comparatively examined for their proximate composition, mineral contents, characterization of date seed oil and antioxidant indices by their standard methods. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analysis was carried out for quantification of phenolic acids and flavonoids. Results showed that carbohydrates were the principal constituents trailed by moisture, while crude fat, crude protein and ash contents were also detected in small proportions. Potassium was the predominant mineral while TPC and TFC values showed significant variations (p≤0.05) in all three date seed varieties. On characterization date seed oils revealed that being dominant in unsaturated fatty acids of plant origin with good antioxidant potential made it superior in quality as compared with the other conventional edible oils. Outcomes of this current investigation proposed that date seeds are found very rich in nutritional and functional moieties including minerals and natural antioxidants with a noticeable quantity of good quality edible oil that may further be exploited for human consumption.


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