Characterization of mosquito fauna in the sanitary district Ouidah-Kpomasse-Tori Bossito in Benin

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Research Paper 01/05/2012
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Characterization of mosquito fauna in the sanitary district Ouidah-Kpomasse-Tori Bossito in Benin

Sahabi Bio-Bangana, Christophe Houssou, Razaki Ossé, Patrick Edorh, Luc Djogbénou, Claude C.A. Ahouangninou, Michel Boko, Martin Akogbéto
Int. J. Biosci.2( 5), 31-39, May 2012.
Certificate: IJB 2012 [Generate Certificate]


The characterization of culicidy fauna in 28 villages of the health district Ouidah Kpomassè and Tori-Bossito was carried out during five months (October and December 2007, January, March and May 2008)., Adults mosquitoes were collected by human landing caught from 22:00 PM to 06:00 AM. 44693 adult mosquitoes were caught. 29 species were identified in the 28 hamlets by taxonomic studies. The specific richness varies between 8 species (Agokon) and 19 species (Agadon), while abundance vary between 688 individuals (Hèkandji) and 4577 individuals (Kindjitokpa). Five species are common on the whole of the 28 sites: Aedes aegypti, Culex annulioris, Culex gr. decens, Culex quinquefasciatus and Mansonia africana. The maximal index of equitability was 0, 47 in Dokanmeyshowing a large spatial heterogeneity in the 28 localities. The differences noted between the 28 communities would be related to differences in the biotic and abiotic conditions in the area.


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