Characterization of oil palm empty fruit bunch as an ameliorant for the development of hiyung chilli pepper in swamp land

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Research Paper 10/08/2022
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Characterization of oil palm empty fruit bunch as an ameliorant for the development of hiyung chilli pepper in swamp land

Gusti Rokhmaniyati Iskarlia, Samharinto, Afiah Hayati, Bambang F. Langai
Int. J. Biosci.21( 2), 21-26, August 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Ameliorant is a material that can increase soil fertility by improving the physical and chemical conditions of the soil by adding ameliorant materials such as compost, manure, lime, and natural phosphate. The nutrient content of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (OPEFB) is 0,33 N-total; 2.53 C-Organic; 7.67 C/N ratios. The utilization of OPEFB can be a potential product when used for plant cultivation. OPEFB contains substantial amounts of N, P, K, Ca and Mg. Fourier transform infrared spectra showed the heterogenic functional groups on the EFB ameliorant surface and domination of silica content in RH Ameliorant. The results of the chemical analysis laboratory of  OPEFB as an ameliorant showed that the older the OPEFB is, the lower the value of its chemical parameters pH, C-org, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, water content and C/N ratio values. Whereas the results of laboratory chemical analysis taken from OPEFB in different years showed the average value for the chemical parameters of cellulose by the gravimetric method was 48.28%, lignin was 20.40% and hemicellulose was 23.04%. The results show that OPEFB have potentials as good ameliorant. Therefore, it can be suggested that the application of these ameliorant may possibly increase soil fertility especially soil in swamps.


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