Characterization, pathogenecity and antibiogram study of Salmonella species isolated from apparently healthy and diarrhoeic calves

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Research Paper 01/01/2013
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Characterization, pathogenecity and antibiogram study of Salmonella species isolated from apparently healthy and diarrhoeic calves

Muhammad Mominul Islam, M. Ashrafuzzaman, Md. Hazrat Ali, Khair Ahmed Choudhury, Md. Shahidur Rahman Khan
Int. J. Biosci.3( 1), 109-120, January 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Salmonellosis in calves appears as one of the major problems in Bangladesh and causes substantial economic loss. The present study was conducted with a view to isolate and identify Salmonella species from apparently healthy and diarrhoeic calves of Char Nilokkhiya, BAU dairy farm and calves those came to Veterinary clinic. During the present study, out of 126 rectal swab samples, 10 samples were identified as positive for Salmonella. The isolates were named as D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, H1, H2, H3 and H4. Of the 10 isolates 4 were isolated from 71 apparently healthy calves and 6 were isolated from 55 diarrhoeic calves. In case of apparently healthy individual, the percentage of positive samples from those areas was 6.25%, 4% and 6.66% respectively whereas in case of diarrhoeic calves it was 11.11%, 9.52% and 12% respectively. The overall prevalence of Salmonella in diarrhoeic calves (10.90%) was remarkably higher than in apparently healthy calves (5.633%). Pathogenicity test was performed using 5 groups of day old white mice each consisting of 4 animals by inoculating the isolates orally and intraperitonially which caused diarrhoea and death to the mice used. The group of animals was numbered as Group-A, Group-B, Group-C, Group-D and Goup-E. Two mice from each of Group-A and Group-B were inoculated orally each with o.5 ml. of the inoculum of the isolate No. H1 and H2 respectively, while the remaining two mice of the same groups were injected intraperitoneally each with 0.25 ml. of the inoculum of the same isolate. Similarly isolate no. D1 and D2 were inoculated into the animal group C and D respectively while Group-E was kept as control and inoculated with nutrient broth. The antimicrobial susceptibility of all the Salmonella isolates was analyzed by the disc diffusion method. Most of the isolates were highly sensitive to ciprofloxacin, gentamycin and spiramycin, moderately sensitive to amoxycillin, streptomycin and oxytetracycline and nearly resistant to penicillin and slulphamethoxazole.


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