Chick embryo tongue development: A histological study

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Research Paper 09/11/2024
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Chick embryo tongue development: A histological study

Amnah Al-Beladi, Fatma Al-Qudsi
Int. J. Biosci.25( 5), 155-166, November 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The purpose of this study was to explore the developing histological structure of the chick embryo tongue at 10,15 and 19 embryonic days (ED), to understand tongue tissue differentiation and histogenesis during development. Fertilized chicken eggs were incubated under identical standard conditions. The tongue was extracted on the specified embryonic days. The tongue sample gross morphology was examined, then samples were fixed, and tissue sections were made using hematoxylin and eosin staining. The results of this study showed that: the tongue of ED10 contained the beginning of the lingual tissue’s differentiation (Muscle tissue, cartilage tissue and epithelial tissue). The conical papillae appeared as a bud in ED10. The tongue tissues of ED15 and ED19 were more differentiated compared to ED10. The lingual gland appeared in ED10 and progressed in ED15 and ED19, and the length of the conical papillae increased with age. Mesenchymal cells appeared in ED10, these cells seemed to decrease in number and become differentiated at the proximal part of the tongue.  Conclusion: The differentiation of the chick embryo tongue took place from the root to the apex. The tongue of chicken embryos seemed characterized by very different tissues. The tongue elongation rate was at its highest level between 15 and 19 days of incubation.


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