Chloroplast genome: An important tool for inferring phylogenetic relationship

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Chloroplast genome: An important tool for inferring phylogenetic relationship

Samaila S. Yaradua, Dhafer A. Alzahrani
J. Bio. Env. Sci.15( 1), 94-100, July 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Chloroplast genome is an organelle characterized with definite DNA (cpDNA), whose primary function is to perform photosynthesis. The genome is reported to be derived from cyanobacterium in the process of endosymbiosis and co-evolution. The cp genome characteristic differs among different taxa, its size ranges from 135, 000 to 165, 000 base pairs (bp) with a pair of inverted repeats (IRa and IRb) separated by small single copy (SSC) and large single copy (LSC). Here, we discuss the importance and needs to utilize the chloroplast genome in phylogeny. Considering the taxonomic problem in various taxonomic levels, several studies have proven the viability of the cp genome in resolving taxonomic problems.


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