Chromosome numbers and karyotypes of Achillea oxyodonta Boiss. and Achillea aucheri Boiss. (Asteraceae)

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Chromosome numbers and karyotypes of Achillea oxyodonta Boiss. and Achillea aucheri Boiss. (Asteraceae)

Ali Mazooji, Fahimeh Salimpour, Zahra Jouzi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 6), 73-78, June 2014.
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The cytological features including chromosome numbers and detailed chromosome measurements were reported in Achillea oxyodonta and A. aucheri from Iran. Total chromosome lengths, relative lengths, long/short arm ratios and centromeric index of mitotic chromosome were calculated. Somatic chromosome numbers were found to be 2n=2x=18 in A. oxyodonta and 2n=4x=36 in A. aucheri for the first time. The mean of chromosome length ranged from 4.00 to 6.40 µm in A. oxyodonta and from 3.66 to 6.33 µm in A. aucheri. The karyotype consists of seven pairs metacentric chromosomes and two pairs in A. oxyodonta and of fifteen pairs metacentric chromosomes and three submetacentric pairs in Achillea aucheri.


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