Chronic stress is associated with anthropometrical markers in obese men

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Chronic stress is associated with anthropometrical markers in obese men

Eizadi Mojtaba, Bagheri Ghodratollah
Int. J. Biosci.3( 8), 342-346, August 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Review of research findings show a relationship between obesity and chronic stress. So the previous finding showed that chronic stress affects eating behaviors. This study aimed to determine correlation between chronic stress and anthropometrical markers as obesity indicators. Samples are ninety six obese men aged 35 – 50 years. At first, all participants completed a stress questionnaire with 32 questions in perfection of consciousness and wellbeing. Then, anthropometrical markers such as body mass index, body fat percentage and abdominal obesity were measured in all participants. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine the associations between chronic stress with anthropometrical markers. A significant positive correlation was found between chronic stress and all anthropometrical markers. To support some previous studies, our finding emphasizes on closely relation between stress affect feeding behavior and anthropometrical markers.


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