Classification of Clove sizes as planting material to the bulb yield of Garlic var. Ilocos white

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Research Paper 17/03/2023
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Classification of Clove sizes as planting material to the bulb yield of Garlic var. Ilocos white

Ison A. Calimpang, Maridell P. Bane-eng, Analyn V. Sagun
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 3), 62-69, March 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Garlic is one of the highly valued crops in the Philippines. However, low production yield is the main constraint, specifically in the native varieties that could not satisfy the demand. Among the limiting factors are the use of unsuitable clove size as planting materials. The results revealed that clove sizes significantly influenced the growth of garlic. Large clove size and extra-large clove size obtained average plant vigor with ratings of 5.83 and 6.33, respectively. Significant differences were also found in both fresh and dry bulb weights, with the largest clove size yielding the heaviest weights at 19.36g and 16.67g, respectively. Moreover, large and extra-large clove sizes produced the highest number of cloves per bulb with an average of 19.87 and 19.33 respectively. However, no significant differences were observed in yield per plant and yield per hectare. Consequently, large clove sizes employed as planting material increased the vigor, bulb weights, and the number of cloves with no significant effect on the yield. The study showed that planting large clove sizes (2.0-2.50g) is more promising as planting materials of native varieties like Ilocos white.

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