Classification of local banana Mulu Bebe North maluku based on rpoC genes and trnF–trnH intron

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Classification of local banana Mulu Bebe North maluku based on rpoC genes and trnF–trnH intron

Adriana Hiariej, Estri Laras Arumingtyas , Arik Arubil Fatina
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 5), 266-272, May 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


North Maluku has a distinctive banana plant, the name of the plant is determined by the local community. The local name is Mulu Bebe due to the shape of the fruit’s edges resembles a duck’s mouth. Previously, there are no data on the existing Mulu Bebe bananas in other parts of Indonesia, which means Mulu Bebe banana fathomed as typical species of North Maluku. Information on Mulu Bebe banana are limited and the newest report was only on physical and morphological variability. Morphological features observed on previous study in 2012, determined Mulu Bebe as Musa AA group banana. This study aimed to classify Mulu Bebe banana based on its molecular characters. This study was conducted from October to December 2013 in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, University of Brawijaya. Molecular markers used in this study is the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), especially the sequence coding region (rpoC1) and non-coding regions (trnF-trnH introns). The results of molecular analysis using gene rpoC1 and trnF – trnH Intron indicate local banana Mulu Bebe in North Maluku include in Musa acuminata group with a similarity value of 100%.


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