Climate and human impact on the Karstic environment in the semi-arid zone of the Chéria plateau (Northeast of Algeria)

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Climate and human impact on the Karstic environment in the semi-arid zone of the Chéria plateau (Northeast of Algeria)

Benhammadi Hocine, Chaffai Hicham
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 4), 146-151, October 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The region of Chéria from a geographical point of view is located more than fifty kilometers from the main square of the wilaya of Tébessa and is located on a plateau culminating at more than 1000m of altitude. Due to the importance of its aquifer system and in particular the Eocene level, which provides sufficient water resources to meet the populations’ drinking water needs, their growth and the extension of urbanization. This extension is conditional on the availability of low vulnerability areas to avoid any geotechnical hazards causing variable damage. The karstic regions characterized by carbonate geological formations marked by the presence of cavities and cracks constitute risky terrain and a particular danger in inhabited areas. This approach is necessary for a better knowledge of this karstic aquifer and in particular the climate aspect and its variability, an indisputable impact on the water resources of the Chéria region, the last decades of which have been marked by a rainfall deficit, favoring Thus a high level of demand on groundwater resources and a sharp decrease in aquifer recharge. The worsening of the lower water level in the wells and boreholes of the Eocene karst aquifer accentuates the risk of collapse in the town of Chéria and its periphery. Analyzing the results of the survey and identifying the current state of the aquifer provides an understanding of the respective effects of climatic and anthropogenic factors on an integrated approach to water resources management, A rational implementation of urban infrastructures.

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