Clinical validity of deep brain stimulation (DBS) and gamma knife thalomotomy (GKT) neurosurgical therapeutic techniques treating neurogenic disorders

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Clinical validity of deep brain stimulation (DBS) and gamma knife thalomotomy (GKT) neurosurgical therapeutic techniques treating neurogenic disorders

Joe Payyapilly Joseph, Thomas Sebastian, Zubair Ahmed Yousfani, Naeem Bukhari, Muhammad Adeeb Khan, Nazia Akbar, Amina Arif
Int. J. Biosci.17( 3), 263-272, September 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Increased progression of neurogenic disorders among elderly personnel is considered a top trend challenge for developed economies to standardize the life quality. Generally, Deep brain stimulation (an invasive neurosurgical technique) and Gamma Knife Thalamotomy (non-invasive radiosurgical therapeutic technique) are adopted to treat neurogenic disorders. Deep brain stimulation includes implantation of receptor compatible electrical devices in human brain, to generate type specific electrical signals to improve the impulse conduction capability of a motor neuron. Whereas, Gamma knife thalamotomy is adopted to target tumor specific cells by radiations to inhibit tumorigenesis. Selection of either technique treating specific patient is considered a key challenge faced by many neurosurgeons. Current study aims to to evaluate Clinical validity and relative specificity of deep brain stimulation and gamma knife thalamotomy treating neurogenic disorders. NCBI/PubMed, Medline and neurosurgery Journal databases were retrieved from January 2008-upto November 2018. About 39 principle studies with complete demographic details were assessed and analyzed by using RISMA and Revman5.30 multiple tools.  About 6,724 patients from past ten years were enrolled. By following random effect data analysis tool at 95 % confidence interval moderate target specificity was observed for both techniques (heterogeneity Tau2 = 0.76; Chi2 = 8.08, I2 = 63 %). Whereas relative target specificity of DBS was recorded higher rather than GKT. Similarly, GKT was found safer in comparison to DBS. Calculated Risk ratio = 2.20 further assure the validity of both neurosurgical techniques.  Even not a single neurosurgical therapeutic technique was found effective against inherited neurological disorders.


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