Coat protein gene based phylogenetic analysis of barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV infecting cereal

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Research Paper 02/03/2017
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Coat protein gene based phylogenetic analysis of barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV infecting cereal

Abdul Qadir, Anjum Munir, Shahid Hameed, Hussain Shah,
Int. J. Biosci.10( 3), 283-287, March 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Barley Yellow Dwarf disease exclusively afflicts plant species in the family Poaceae and is especially noticeable where ever crops such as barley, maize, oats and wheat are cultivated. The total RNA extracted through TRI reagent and Reverse transcription Polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was carried out by using Revert AidTM H-minus. For confirmation, Coat Protein Gene (CpG) specific primers of BYDV-PAV were used. The result showed that BYDV-PAV exhibit a high frequency of nucleotide and amino acid homogeneity within CpG region. As compared with inter population the isolate JQ811488 (from oat) found a unique thread of 3 amino acid difference at 3` “ANP” while isolate JQ811487 (from wheat) showed 9aa differences mostly at 5`. Pakistani isolate JQ811489 (from maize) found maximum 99.2% similarity with US isolate DQ285673 which is highest as compare with inter population. This study will increase understanding of the genetic diversity of Pakistani isolates of BYDV and their relationship among and with other isolates.



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