Combined effect of soil salinity and phospho-potassium fertilization on yield of degletnour date palm (Biskra Southeast Algeria)

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Combined effect of soil salinity and phospho-potassium fertilization on yield of degletnour date palm (Biskra Southeast Algeria)

Rim Ouamane, Yssaad Houcine Abdelhakim Reguieg, Ali Masmoudi
Int. J. Biosci.12( 4), 350-359, April 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The objective of this study  is  to focus on the spatial variability of salinity at different depths of the soil of a palm grove located in Biskra in the southern east of Algeria where two sites S1, S2 of different degree of salinities , occupied by 54 date palms variety from which Deglet-Nour has been selected in order to  alleviate  the influence of this salinity on the production with regard to (quality and quantity )  of palms of the selected sites by the provision in appropriate doses of mineral fertilizer (potassium and phosphorus). Palms in question have been  fertilized with three levels of potassium (0, 2 and 3 kg /palm) in the form potassium sulphate K2SO4 (50%) combined with three levels of phosphorus (0, 1 and 2 kg/palm) as superphosphate (TSP) the results obtained make it possible to affirm that the application of 2 kg of potassium / palm tree in an excessively salty environment and 3 kg / palm in a low or unsalted environment associated to  1 kg of phosphorus in the two different cases of salinity of the two sites S1 and S2 increases  the yield and gives better results to fruit  weight , length, diameter, weight of pulp and weight of the stone.


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