Commiphora swynnertonii (BURTT) as a potential new alternative for the management of tick infestation in Tanzania

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Commiphora swynnertonii (BURTT) as a potential new alternative for the management of tick infestation in Tanzania

Disela Edwin, Paul Erasto, Sylvester Temba, Musa Chacha
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 3), 181-191, March 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The evolution of tick resistance to synthetic acaricides has given rise to the need for new scientific investigations on alternative ways to control tick infestation. In this esteems, various studies on plant extracts have been developed aiming to identify new compounds that are able to control ticks. In this context, Commiphora swynnertonii exudates may be a promising alternative in the management of ticks. Commiphora swynnertonii is the flowering plant in the family Burseraceae and it is popularly known as “Oltemwai” by Maasai people of Tanzania. In this review we highlight four major tick-borne diseases which are of economic importance in Tanzania. The use of synthetic acaricides and their challenges brought to the environment are also discussed in this review. Commiphora swynnertonii appears to be as a promising alternative in the control of tick infestation and other arthropods of economic importance.


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