Common bacteria and their antibiotic sensitivity among patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome presenting with acute diarrhea

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Common bacteria and their antibiotic sensitivity among patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome presenting with acute diarrhea

Fazal Malik, Fazal Jamil, Shah Zeb, Hashmat Ullah Khan, Muhammad Akram, Sahib Zada, Tanweer Kumar, Wasim Sajjad
Int. J. Biosci.10( 4), 212-221, April 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is still a major cause of death in developed and developing countries. In present descriptive cross sectional study, frequency of common bacteria and their antibiotic sensitivity among 125 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome presenting with acute diarrhea were evaluated. Male to female ratio was 0.69:1. Average age was 34.82 ± 12.87years. Escherichia coli was found in majority of cases which was 62(49.6%) of the study followed by Campylobacter jejuni 50 (40%), Shigella and Clostridium difficile 48 (38.4%) each and Salmonella in 45 (36%) patients. Maximum number of E. coli and Salmonella were found in age group less than or equal to 30 years, Shigella in age group more than 46 years, C. jejuni and  C. difficile in age group 31-45. E. coli was sensitive in 90.3% patients to Co-Amoxiclav, and Cefixime each, in 71.1% patients Salmonella was sensitive to Ampicillin, Shigella was sensitive to Co-Amoxiclav in 70.8% patients, C. jejuni was sensitive to Ceftriaxone in 82.0% patients and in 77.1% patients C. difficile was sensitive to Ampicillin and Metronidazol each. This study will not only assist the patients in proper treatment but also discourage the indiscriminate usage of antibiotics and stop additional bacterial drug resistance development.


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