Common herbal plants and their role in control of obesity

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Review Paper 01/10/2019
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Common herbal plants and their role in control of obesity

Kanwal Ashiq, Samreen Tanveer, Mehwish Qayyum, Maydda Bajwa, Sana Ashiq, Anjum Shahzad, Zohaib Tariq, Muhammad Faisal, Niqash Ahmad, Afshan Arsahd, Raeesa Sattar, Farah Abid
Int. J. Biosci.15( 4), 23-32, October 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Obesity is quite common around the globe and linked with the increased prevalence of various other diseases including: immune dysfunction, diabetes, depression, cancer and cardiovascular disorders. Obesity is induced by the diet is usually due to disproportionate intake of calorie enriched diet, lack of physical activity and reduced energy consumption. Worldwide, it was estimated that an average of 603.7 million adults and 107.7 million children were found to be obese in 2015. It was also observed that the prevalence of obesity is quite greater in females than males. The incidence rate of obesity was 12.0% among adults and 5% among children. In 2015, approximately 4 million deaths were reported around the world due to increased BMI. The current review is aimed to study common herbal plants which have proven anti-obesity effect and could be used in the routine diet to reduce weight and to improve the quality of life. The databases used for this review were included Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus and Medline. There are many common herbal plants and spices which are used in daily routine that could be helpful in reducing weight. Black Chinese tea, Nigella Sativa, Green Tea and Camellia synensis has exhibited promising anti-obesity activity. To reduce the prevalence of obesity and to improve the quality of life better strategies should be considered. Physicians and other health care professionals with pharmacological interventions should recommend change in daily routine life to patients for better outcomes


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