Community preference on agroforestry systems at post-mining revegetation land at PT Arutmin Tambang Asam-asam, South Kalimantan

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Community preference on agroforestry systems at post-mining revegetation land at PT Arutmin Tambang Asam-asam, South Kalimantan

Muhammad Yusuf, Hafizianor, Mahrus Aryadi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 5), 209-214, November 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


During this time, land reclamation by means of revegetation so that plants can live on post-mining land finds obstacles in its implementation, including technical, social, expensive and long time problems. One of the ways is to formulate a post-mining land revegetation model effectively and efficiently (Kustiawan, 2001). Land use with agroforestry systems is a combination of tree crops that have an economic and ecological role with seasonal plants or other types of plants. The object of this research is the PT Arutmin Indonesia. Tambang Asam-asam coal mining area which has been and is currently conducting post-mining revegetation activities. The concept of land revegetation patterns after the coal mine that will be formulated is a reference for local government policies in utilizing natural resources, especially land that has been damaged. Community preferences are obtained by conducting interviews and using questionnaires to respondents. The number of respondents from the community was carried out by purposive sampling (Sugiyono. 2007). The chosen community is the head of the family with the livelihood of farming and gardening located in the area closest to the company’s operations. Community preferences analyzed included community expectations for groups of plant species, main types of plants and types of herbaceous plants and supporting plants. Public preference for agroforestry systems that can be developed in post-mining revegetation lands is 60% of the plants that are expected to be in agroforestry areas are timber-producing plants, 50% want rubber as the main crop in the agroforestry area, 70% choose turmeric as an herbaceous plant It is expected to be planted in post-mining areas, while 80% want ginger as a supporting plant that is expected to be planted in post-mining areas based on agroforestry.


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