Community resilience in recurring disaster events

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Research Paper 01/08/2013
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Community resilience in recurring disaster events

Tahmina Yasmin, Khaled Masud Ahmed, Farjana Mostafiz Shatu
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 8), 16-28, August 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


The increasing vulnerabilities and exposures to the negative consequences of climate change are inevitable especially facing recurring natural hazards and extreme weather events, social and economic disruptions, and physiological instability. People base local knowledge for copping to survive in this changing climate without proper adaptation to such changes. The uniqueness of this research is to reveals a correlation between different coping practices with socio-economic and mental instability. In previous studies researchers emphasized on the current coping mechanisms rather than concentrating the criteria that influence the coping capacities. Methodology comprises numerous questionnaire surveys and uses of different tools of Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment techniques with selective households. Study area concentrated among the inhabitants of the char land and remote island of Bangladesh. General coping includes; eat fewer meals, borrowing money or take loan and sell labour in cheap at advance. People use major portion of their income for food and repairing houses as both are often destroyed by recurring disasters. Medical and educational expenses are just aggravating their burdens whereas savings are delusion. Malnutrition, economic imbalance, and domestic hostility along with mental instability are the common phenomena. All these sufferings contribute in lack of people’s ability to take proper decision in time of risk or affect current coping ability with recurring events or the vice versa


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