Comparative effect of Humic acid application methods and rates on seed yield and yield components of mungbean and some soil micronutrients in arid region of Saudi Arabia

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Research Paper 01/11/2017
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Comparative effect of Humic acid application methods and rates on seed yield and yield components of mungbean and some soil micronutrients in arid region of Saudi Arabia

Tasneem Akhtar, Saleh Mahmoud Ismail, Fathy Saad Al-Nakhlawy
Int. J. Biosci.11( 5), 104-112, November 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Proper management and use of resources is well necessary to obtain sustainable and economic results especially in marginal land areas like arid lands of Saudi Arabia. To attain the above mention feathers a field experiment was carried out at the Agriculture Research Station of King Abdulaziz University to evaluate the comparative effect of humic acid application methods and rates on seed yield and yield components of mungbean and some soil micronutrients in arid region of Saudi Arabia. A two factor factorial under randomized complete block design was used in this experiment with four replications. Two methods of humic acid application (solid vs liquid) and Three treatments of humic acid (HA 20, 20kg/ha; HA 40, 40kg/ha and HA 60, 60kg/ha) along with control (HA 0) were applied. Results indicate that application of humic acid in solid form resulted in significant improvement in yield and yield components (shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root fresh weight, root dry weight, hundred seed weight and seed yield). Regarding rates, increasing HA ratesincreased all yield and yield components. Significant increase in all yield components was observed at first three levels of humic acid rates (HA 0 kgha-1 To HA 40 kgha-1), while increasing humic acid rate from (40 to 60 kgha-1) all yield and yield components were statistically similar except seed yield. It is concluded that interaction of solid application method with increasing rates of humic acid upgraded yield and yield component of mungbean and enhance the micronutrients (Cu, Zn and Mn) status in soil solution under arid land region of Saudi Arabia.

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