Comparative performans studies of Pomacea glauca and Pomacea canaliculata different on Macrophyte

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Comparative performans studies of Pomacea glauca and Pomacea canaliculata different on Macrophyte

S. Dharmawati, N. Firahmi
Int. J. Biosci.11( 1), 165-175, July 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Apple snails, P. canaliculata and P. glauca are the two most successful invaders of many macrophytes especially rice in many countries of the world particularly Southeast Kalimantan Indonesia. Many studies have been conducted on management and ecology of Pomacea canaliculata and Pomacea glauca, but little is known about edacious Pomacea sp especially a bog macrophytes. . Therefore, comparative performans studies Pomacea glauca and on different macrophyte was conducted for determine the importance of the fresh water snail behavior in selecting the type of cattails most preferably so that it can be used to control the harmful effects of Pomacea canaliculata in rice seeds, and needs to be done to improve biodiversity in paddy fields. Results suggested Pomacea canaliculata and Pomacea glauca who consumption duckweed showed significantly higher growth, feed preferences, fecundity, eggs diameters and hatchability, followed consumption of water hyacinth> lotus>field paddy> plant attractants.


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