Comparative relationship of specific gravity, diameter, and leaf size of two mangrove species at Masapelid Island, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/08/2021
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Comparative relationship of specific gravity, diameter, and leaf size of two mangrove species at Masapelid Island, Philippines

Edwin C. Escobal, Shiella Lynn G. Dali-on
Int. J. Biosci.19( 2), 196-205, August 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Thirty individual trees composed of Avicennia rumphiana and Sonneratia alba belong to three diameter classes (5-8cm, 9-12cm, and 13-16cm) were sampled from the mangrove ecosystem located at Masapelid Island, Philippines. Wood samples, diameters and leaf sizes measurements were gathered in this study. Specific gravity was determined from the wood samples and correlated to species, diameter, and leaf sizes. Results showed that specific gravity has a significant difference in species (p= 0.0176) but no significant difference with its diameter and leaf sizes (leaf length and width). Between the two species, A. rumphiana had higher average specific gravity with 0.562 compared to S. alba with 0.487. The results showed that the species leaf length, width, and area vary in between diameter classes. In A. rumphiana, leaf length, width, and area increased consistently with the increase of the DBH in every diameter class. However, this was not observed in S. alba. Radial variations of specific gravity from the center of the stem to bark were also different between species.


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