Comparative studies of water and soil quality scenario from selected sites of two main Rivers viz: river Ravi and Sutlej of Punjab, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/10/2019
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Comparative studies of water and soil quality scenario from selected sites of two main Rivers viz: river Ravi and Sutlej of Punjab, Pakistan

Saman Nadeem, Kashifa Naghma Waheed, Muhammad Zafarullah, Muhammad Ashraf, Shahid Sherzada, Hira Nadeem
Int. J. Biosci.15( 4), 408-417, October 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


In this study, physico-chemical parameters of water and soil from two main rivers of Punjab viz: River Ravi and Sutlej have been described. This research work has been done to evaluate pH, Temperature, Carbon dioxide, Total alkalinity, Total hardness, Electrical conductivity, soil texture and Cd, Cr, Pb metal toxicity of both rivers and their impact were analyzed comparatively since the soil and water quality have always strong impact on survival of microorganisms and fish fauna found in aquatic ecosystems. Heavy metals such as Cd, Cr, Pb, etc. are of special concern because they can produce water pollution and chronic poisoning in aquatic animals. The results revealed that though the waters of River Sutlej (Head Ganda Singh site) and River Ravi (Head Balloki site) were found polluted to some extents, however, the physico-chemical parameters of water and soil indicated that these are suitable for irrigation and aquatic life.


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