Comparative study of biochemical characteristics of halophytes from two different habitats

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Comparative study of biochemical characteristics of halophytes from two different habitats

Badridze Gulnara, Kacharava Nani, Chkhubianishvili Eva, Rapava Luara, Kikvidze Medea, Chigladze Lali, Chanishvili Shota
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 5), 98-116, November 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The worldwide problem of soil salinization may be solved by amelioration of saline soils, or by cultivation and selection of salt resistant plants. That’s why investigation of wild halophytes gains popularity. One of the approaches in salt-resistance studies is investigation of morphological, physiological and biochemical mechanisms of adaptation to salt stress. From this point of view, halophytes growing in Georgia are practically unexplored. The  purpose of the study was to investigate the activity of enzymes  (peroxidase and nitrate reductase), and content of low molecular antioxidants (proline, soluble phenols, anthocyanins, carotinoides and ascorbic acid), as well as nitrates, soluble carbohydrates and total proteins in leaves of salt resistant species growing in different salty habitats of Georgia – the costal zone and near-by territory of Kumisi (east Georgia, kvemo Kartli) and Sakhare-Kapanadze lakes (east Georgia, gare Kakheti). Titration (ascorbic acid) and spectrophotometric methods were applied for investigations. There may be distinguished some biochemical indices, in spite of the salt exchange mechanism type of tested species, which changed by the same regularity following habitats: content of ascorbic acid (1.3-2.5 times, p<0.05), total phenols (1.2-3.6 times, p<0.05) and soluble carbohydrates (2-times and more, p<0.05) was higher in species of Sakhare-Kapsanadze lakes, compared to Kumisi same species; while in all species of Kumisi habitat content of total proteins was higher (2.7-5 times, p<0.05). Generally, adaptation of the tested species to studied habitats was much or less of individual character.


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