Comparative study of Culicidae biodiversity of Manoka island and Youpwe mainland area, Littoral, Cameroon
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Comparative study of Culicidae biodiversity of Manoka island and Youpwe mainland area, Littoral, Cameroon
A comparative study of the Culicidae biodiversity was carried out on the island of Manoka and Youpwe mainland area, in the Wouri river estuary in Cameroon. This study aimed to identify the mosquito species in the two localities and to compare their abundances for a good planning of the mosquito control on Manoka island. Mosquito surveys were conducted during the dry and rainy seasons. Two methods made it possible simultaneously to sample the larval populations by dipping and aggressive fauna by the human landing catches. Collected mosquitoes were morphologically identified using determination keys and those belonging to Anopheles gambiae complex by molecular biology using the Polymerase Chain Reaction-Fragment Lengt Polymorphism. We compared mosquito abundance and diversity across the two ecological zones. A total of 7,425 mosquitoes belonging to 12 species were identified, 11 species at Manoka and 9 species at Youpwe. Mosquito’s abundances varied with ecological site. At AtaManoka, 66.83% (n=2,441) of the collected mosquitoes was the Anophelinae whereas in Youpwe, the subfamily of Culicinae was dominant with 80.10% (n=3023) of the collected mosquitoes. However, the crossing of the two profiles of diversity does not enable us to say that a community is more varied than the other. The presence of Anopheles moucheti at Youpwe causes a risk of importation of this species at Manoka. These results bring significant knowledge which could contribute to the development of a judicious mosquito control strategy on the island of Manoka.
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Abdou Talipouo, Patrick Ntonga Akono, Darus Tagne, Arthur Mbida Mbida, Josiane Etang, Roméo Tchoffo Fobasso, Wolfgang Ekoko, Jerome Binyang, Alain Dongmo (2017), Comparative study of Culicidae biodiversity of Manoka island and Youpwe mainland area, Littoral, Cameroon; IJB, V10, N4, April, P9-18
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