Comparative study of soil physical properties of higher and lower elevation of Loralai Balochistan Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/06/2020
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Comparative study of soil physical properties of higher and lower elevation of Loralai Balochistan Pakistan

Wajia Noor, Bibi Sadia, Saba kazmi, Asyia, Yasmeen Rehmat, Junaid Ahmad, Yasmeen
Int. J. Biosci.16( 6), 90-97, June 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Soil is a dynamic and complicated system of living, dead and decaying organisms with residual mineral materials, organic substances, air and water. Studying soil properties can help the concerned people to make best soil management decisions. The present research was carried out to investigate Loralai top soil by comparative study of area’s soil on higher and lower elevation from both the cultivated plans and non-cultivated plans. Soil was collected from four different elevations mountain sites, barren plan, cultivated fresh water site and cultivated drainage water site from the depths of 0-5, 5-10 and 10-15cm. The physical properties were analysed in laboratory in three replicated samples of each elevation and each depth. 36 soil samples were analysed by using physical parameters. These soil physical parameters were soil color, soil taxture, soil structure, soil profile, soil pH, soil conductivity, soil soluble salt content, soil bulk density, soil porosity and soil water holding capacity. It was observed that soil bulk density and water holding capacity values were maximum in the all depths of mountain site clay soil while minimum in sandy barren plan. Soil porosity was maximum in sandy plan and minimum in mountain site soil. Best porosity, PH, porosity and water holding capacity was observed for drainage exposed soil. Results concluded that there is no significant effect of elevation on soil physical characters. Physical properties are directly related with soil texture. Soil with clay-sand loamy taxture was analyzed and best soil for all physical parameters.


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