Comparative study of the effect of Tephrosia vogelii’s leaves ethanolic extract and Alfapor® (Alpha-cypermethrin) on Amblyomma variegatum in Borgou cattle

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Research Paper 01/09/2014
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Comparative study of the effect of Tephrosia vogelii’s leaves ethanolic extract and Alfapor® (Alpha-cypermethrin) on Amblyomma variegatum in Borgou cattle

T.J. Dougnon1, S. Farougou, T.M Kpodékon, G. Hounmanou, D. Hounnnonkpè
Int. J. Biosci.5( 5), 1-7, September 2014.
Certificate: IJB 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Ticks are responsible for significant economic loses in Africa and the world. This study compares the effect of ethanolic extract of Tephrosiavogelii (tv) and Alfapor ® on Amblyommavariegatum. For this purpose, fifty (50) Borgou bulls of 1-2 years were divided into 10 lots of five. Lot 0 (control) was not treated. The others treatments have been from one treatment to two treatments (seven days after the first one) with the extract of tv in direct application.andtThe spraying form of has been used with one treatment to two treatments (seven days after the firs one).. The mortality rate of ticks in the Lot 1 between days 2 and 7 ranged from 59.49% to 87.76% and 84, 89% to 100% in lot 9 (P <0.05).The perineum has the highest infection rate (35.31%) with a significative difference compared to the scrotum (26.92%) and dewlap (24.89%) (P <0,05). At day 7 which is the last day count before the second treatment, Lot 5 who received a single treatment of the extract ofTephrosiavogeliiat 4 ml / L water spray has the highest rate mortality ticks (88.97%) with a significant difference compared to the other groups (P <0.05).It appears that the ano-genital area was the most infested by Amblyommavariegatum; the ethanolic extract of tv used in direct application of 8 ml on Amblyommavariegatum is effective at 98.51%; Alfapor® used 1ml / L of water spray is as effective as ethanolic extract of tv direct implementation in 8 ml of Amblyommavariegatum.


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