Comparative study of the genetic diversity of the cytochrome b gene of Sitophilus zeamais in 2 agro-climatic zones of West and Central Africa Sitophilus

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Research Paper 01/04/2021
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Comparative study of the genetic diversity of the cytochrome b gene of Sitophilus zeamais in 2 agro-climatic zones of West and Central Africa Sitophilus

Ngagne Demba Sarr, Mama Racky Ndiaye
Int. J. Biosci.18( 4), 47-54, April 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


This article aims to determine the genetic diversity of Sitophilus zeamais, a potential pest of maize stocks, in two different agro-climatic zones of West and Central Africa. The knowledge of the degree of genetic heterogeneity of each of these zones made it possible to apprehend the adaptive potential of the insect since the strong genetic diversity tends to increase the adaptation of a population while the genetic homogeneity presents effects inverse. To achieve this objective, some insects were sampled specifically from the humid and arid agro-climatic zone. The exploitation of 112 sequences of the cytochrome b gene of insects from these areas has made it possible to conclude that the genetic diversity is high in arid agro-climatic zones while it is low in humid agro-climatic zones. Thus the insects of the semi-arid zone would have more adaptive potentials than those of the humid zone.


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