Comparative Study of Three Commercial Strains of Saccharomyces for Enhanced Production of Biofuel Using High Gravity Molasses

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Comparative Study of Three Commercial Strains of Saccharomyces for Enhanced Production of Biofuel Using High Gravity Molasses

Muzna Hashmi, Aftab Iqbal Shafi, Fariha Hasan, Abdul Hameed, Aamer Ali Shah
Int. J. Biosci.8( 2), 106-114, February 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The potential of different commercial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied for enhanced production of bioethanol under high gravity condition. Three strains i.e. Rossmoor, Saf-instant and Uvaferm-43, were compared in order to select best commercial yeast that could be utilized on industrial scale for production of bio-ethanol. Osmotic pressure is one of the main stress factors faced by microbial strains during fermentation process where high gravity sugarcane molasses is used as a substrate. Under optimized physicochemical parameters, osmotic (sugar) tolerance of all strains, i.e. Rossmoor, Saf-instant and Uvaferm-43, to high gravity molasses was determined, which came out as 15, 17 and 25% (w/v), respectively. Maximum ethanol yield by these strains was 6.5%, 7.5% and 9.3 % (v/v) with fermentation efficiency of 72.6%, 69.2% and 58.1% respectively. It is concluded from the present study that Uvaferm-43 is the best strain for industrial use which has the ability to produce maximum ethanol under stressful condition but more research should be done to enhance its fermentation efficiency.


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