Comparative study on Saurel Trachurus trachurus fish obtained from the Algerian littoral using multivariate statistical methods (principal component analysis and hierarchical analysis)

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Comparative study on Saurel Trachurus trachurus fish obtained from the Algerian littoral using multivariate statistical methods (principal component analysis and hierarchical analysis)

Souheïla Azzouz, Lyamine Mezedjri, Ali Tahar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 4), 54-62, October 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


A comparative biometric study is carried out by applying multivariate statistical methods (principal components analysis and hierarchical analysis) on samples of the teleost fish Saurel Trachurus trachurus fished from the Algerian coasts during the year 2012-2013 in order to distinguish significant differences between different sites and both sexes in the sites. The sampling is done from seven sites located on the Algerian coastline from East to West: El-kala, Annaba, Skikda, Collo, Jijel, Algiers, Oran, carrying out on each fish 36 morphometric and meristic measurements.  Then, multivariate statistical methods; PCA and a hierarchical analysis are applied. The principal component analysis PCA allows us to group the seven sites (sexes) into five homogeneous groups, for each of the morphometric and meristic characteristics taken into consideration. Whereas, in the case of the 36 variables, the PCA allows us to find four groups. The hierarchical analysis of data made it possible to group the 36 variables studied into ten homogeneous groups, and to show the links and the similarities between these variables. The hierarchical analysis also allowed, with a level of similarity of 98.16%, the grouping of the seven sites (sexes) of sampling according to the 36 morphometric and meristic variables, into four distinct homogeneous groups. This method illustrates well and highlights the relationships between the studied variables thanks to the correlation coefficient.

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