Comparative volatile components examination of various citrus peel essential oils

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Comparative volatile components examination of various citrus peel essential oils

Zafar Iqbal, Mubeen Akhtar, M. Usman Sabri
Int. J. Biosci.13( 4), 262-266, October 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Volatile components of various citrus peel essential oils were determined in four varieties of citrus i.e. citrus limetta var. mitha, citrus aurantifolia var. kaghzi nimbu, citrus reticulata var. tangerine and citrus sinensis variety mosammi were extracted by hydro distillation method. Eleven constituents were identified in citrus sinensis, eleven in citrus reticulate, sixteen in citrus limetta and thirteen in citrus aurantifolia. The % age of limonene in citrus limetta, citrus aurantifolia, citrus reticulata and citrus sinensis were 95.97%, 82.84%, 93.70% and 94.78% respectively. The other components i.e. β-pinene, µ-terpineol were also present in all four varieties.


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