Comparison of maize hybrids effect on seed traits

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Research Paper 01/01/2015
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Comparison of maize hybrids effect on seed traits

Mahtab Jalili, Peyman Eyvazi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 1), 178-182, January 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


In order to determine the growing characteristics and detecting the morphological bases of yield difference, study of relations between different traits with each other and with grain yield, determining the most important effective traits on yield in hybrids of seed corn and comparison of native and foreign hybrids had been studied and classification of them had been done on the basis of morphological traits. For this purpose an experiment carried out in 2007 at Moghan agricultural research center. In this experiment, 28 hybrids of seed corn (18 foreigner hybrids and 10 native hybrids) were studied in two different experiments with using a complete randomized block designed in 4 replications. Orthogonal comparison showed that the yield of foreign hybrids were higher than native one and it was arised from the 1000- grain weight, deep of seed, plant height, length of tassel, number of leaves on the top of the ear, number of days to pollen shedding, number of days to silking and number of days to physiological ripping in foreign hybrids.


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